Getting Out There

Aaron Black
2 min readDec 17, 2020


Play the game below

I have been waiting on my first mobile game to be published on the Play Store, it is still ‘In Review’. Supposedly it can take up to a week to be reviewed and released if all goes well. After that it will be available for download in well over 100 different countries. For me, this is really exciting. I am also working on publishing onto the Apple Store just to get it out there as much as I can. The game needs alot more work but its best I get it live for people to play and potential employers to see.

As a developer, getting your work out to the public is extremely important especially if you want to show potential employers that you are capable of producing something on your own or in a team. If you did not go the traditional route of going to college for Computer Science or something similar, you need to show that you know what you are doing. From all I have read and any information I have absorbed over the years about making it as a self taught developer it all points to doing projects, creating something for people to see. Not only for them, but for yourself as well. The best way to learn is to do projects. It doesn’t matter how big or small, the practice that comes from doing a project, making mistakes, finding new methods to accomplish your goals, are all invaluable to gaining the skills you need as a developer.

Today, I uploaded three of my games to so the world can play them. They are not all as polished as I would like them to be, I can do that over time. Right now, I want them out there for the world to see. They may not be perfect but it shows that I can do it, I can program video games, I can upload them to the internet. Eventually, I will imbed them on my site. I am working on that this week and have already started making some contacts for jobs. If you want something you have to go get it, get out there. The amazing opportunities rarely fall into your lap, you need to search them out and find them.

If you want to play my games on a desktop or laptop (mac or pc), here are the three I put up on I have not yet fine tuned the way they play on simmer as of this article but will in the upcoming days. Thanks for checking them out and enjoy!:



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